Here at Blowtorch Records we're as much a fan of new sounds as the next Brooklyn-based, beard stroking, beep stoking, deep wobble bass bothering hipster. And then every now and then you're hit with something new which is kind of old - as in classic.
That's what happened this week when we stumbled on Manchester indie rockers Daytime Lions. Great name, great songs, great sound. Clean chiming guitars drenched in reverb, organ and melodic bass. If Morrissey, Marr and co had packed their resort shirts and taken a 2 week working vacation in Hawaii or Monterey this could well have been the result. This might be the closest they ever got to it:
Their debut EP Metropolis Bay is live on Spotify
and we have 2 tracks to stream here on the Blowtorch site at https://www.blowtorchrecords.com/daytimelions
Treat yourself to the new Manchester sound!