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Writer's pictureRichard Blowes

Limerick's SWEETS release second single 'Dead Ends'

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Picking up from debut single Charm Offensive, SWEETS deliver coruscating follow up Dead Ends.


Track: Dead Ends


Released: January 20 2023

Cover art for Dead Ends by SWEETS

SWEETS are back return with their blistering second single Dead Ends after enjoying rave reviews for their debut single Charm Offensive. As God Is In The Zine said "Seriously if this is SWEETS' charm offensive, imagine what the sound is when the gloves are off."

Dead Ends displays the band in similar dark humour with an exhibition of searing riffs and pummelling rhythms all of which are offset by Liam's soaring vocals. They plan to release a number of singles throughout the year with a view to an album towards the end of 2023. Prepare yourselves.

The single was recorded by Ben Wanders in Limerick's Wanderlane Studios and mastered by Richard Dowling.

SWEETS is an alternative rock band from Limerick, Ireland. With their roots firmly entrenched in Limerick’s prolific music scene, all members have played in well known local bands, including our very own Japanese Jesus. Dreamy vocals float over powerful, guitar-driven, hook-filled songs, laden with unexpected riffs and shift and pounding rhythms. SWEETS flip the riffy/post-hardcore/grunge sound on its head.

Long-time collaborators Liam Marley (Guitar/Vox) and Lorcan Bourke (Drums) had been writing songs together for over ten years before joining forces with close friends Keith Lawler (Guitar) and Bertie Kelly (Bass) to form SWEETS in 2021. “It took a pandemic to finally get us together, it just felt like the right time.”

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