Our latest podcast features Galway photographer Enda Burke; our track of the week is The Stupid Song from Cork's Ash Red; new releases from Liana Forte and the first album from Moondog
New Podcast

In our latest podcast we are focusing on photography rather than music. I had a great chat with award winning Galway photographer Enda Burke who produced his brilliant Homebound With My Parents series during the various lockdowns in Ireland. Forced by the pandemic to pivot from street photography to a more (home) studio-based approach he went to the kitsch side. This resulted in the lockdown series and collaborations with Galway publishers Coffeewerk + Press; an article in Italian Rolling Stone magazine; and photoshoots with Galway dream popsters NewDad. Enda tells us how it all started, offers insights into some of his working methods and also shares some of his musical inspirations including Mac DeMarco and Viagra Boys. As the series draws to a natural close, we hear what this talented lensman has lined up as a bright future beckons. His parents are hoping it doesn't involve more rearranging of their living room furniture.
Track of the Week

Track of the week is The Stupid Song - the debut release from Cork based alt rock band Ash Red. Formed in January 2019, Ash Red comprise Conrad Twomey (drums), Arthur Murray (guitar, vocals) and Maciek Zwirkowski (bass).
Arthur sent us a demo recording of the track in the middle of 2020 and the first time I listened, I knew it had 'it'. One of those songs that captures a moment of magic through a slight tear in the sonic universe.
Although as they self- deprecatingly relate "Arthur came to practice with the most stupid two note riff we ever heard. As a joke we played and I guess it just worked. The song is about loneliness and desire to be noticed in the world but it’s really not that deep, they are just words."
Now recorded and released it retains that thrilling element I first heard. Play it loud.
FFO Smashing Pumpkins, Bauhaus, Hüsker Dü and The Psychedelic Furs.
New releases from Liana Forte
Liana Forte's productivity shows no sign of slowing down as she releases two new tracks this week - Dust and Cave. Cave is driven along by a fat analog synth and breakbeat drums to give a clubby feel. Dust is more contemplative with Liana's instantly recognisable half spoken vocals. Both different, both excellent.
Moondog release their first album

Another band with a fearsome work ethic, Moondog released their new album Jump The Sun on May 15. Mixing elements of math rock and psych with, at times, a jazz inflection they create a unique sound which is simultaneously mellow and slightly unsettling. For us, the standout track is You Were Just Like Me which shares some DNA with Tim Buckley however the whole album is a tremendously assured and accomplished debut.